Sunday, October 10, 2010

Treasure Hunt

 My wife and I, especially my wife, enjoy Fall more that any other season. The vibrant colors of the maple and oak trees, the smell of damp earth, the cold nip at your cheeks and the beautiful fields of corn and pumpkin, it brings out my spirit for adventure. Now since we need some Fall decorating material for our house, we decided to go for a drive out to a pumpkin patch and grab a hay bail and some gourds. The pumpkin patch was great, full of pumpkin cannons that shoot a half a mile and neat animals, this was a great part of the day, but not the best.

As we were pulling out onto the old road to home, the adventures spirit struck me. To my wife's delight I decided to turn towards the mountains and not back home, off we went on a journey through old gravel roads and up through the forests. Since I can remember I have always wanted to live up in this area, it's so quite and alone, dependent on no one. It took me 5 years but I finally convinced my wife to succumb to my dream of acreage and today was no better time to look for property!

We explored a lot of cool things while looking for a house, an old cemetery founded in 1840, an iconic small-town white church (bell included) in the middle of nowhere, great views of sprawling metro areas in the distance, a lot of cool things. While we were cruising down an old gravel road we came upon a sign, "Estate Sale: Today Only", who the hell passes up an estate sale in the middle of nowhere?! Speeding down the old un-kept road we drove for 10 minutes when the tall trees began opening up onto an old, but taken care of house. The house was full of people, "garage sale people", you know, the people that find these sales like geese find the south, some how. My wife and I poked around up stairs and downstairs finding nothing but old lady things, I then stumbled upon a mix match of old computer items and speakers. That's where I saw them, NEW SPEAKERS! They weren't to shabby either, they were Logitech X-230s, surely the old bats running the sale would want $500.00 for them. I began searching around the gently used speakers for a price sticker and, and, only 15 bucks, what? Thats right, this once $200.00 speaker set was only $15.00. I was skeptical so I plugged them into my phone and they burst forth with beautiful ear candy, they sounded like champs.

 After our adventure we sped home, had a glorious meal of grilled roast beast sandwiches, jellied cranberries, potato soup, hot fresh apple cider and pumpkin pie. And now here I am, listening to the meaty guitar of 10,000 Days and happily slapping away at my keyboard with a full belly. That's a day worth writing about.


  1. falls my favorite season too, something about the leaves changing colors really makes me feel relaxed

  2. 0.0 You lucky duck! I'd kill for some good speakers!

  3. Sounds like a good day man
    cant wait for mine to end

  4. Falls one of my favorite seasons!

  5. You lucky... man I wish I could get something 200 bucks for 15.... nice blog.

  6. Wow, that's quite the deal you got there.

  7. this is relevant to just what I was thinking about

  8. awesome find! i wish I could find something like that

  9. thanks for your insight on my blog... people are trying to be scandalous against Taylor :(

  10. i enjoy the fall too!

    btw, check out my new bubbles on Enhanced by MS Paint :)

  11. cool, when will we see a new post?
