Sunday, October 3, 2010

Design Scheme: "simple tone, retro urban tech"

It did not take me long to decide that I have no interest in what is available to me from various blog design sites, I guess its time to roll up my sleeves and roll out MS Paint. Since my knowledge on web design and HTML is limited at best, this blog wont have a lot of interesting new features, but instead it will have a kick ass background and color scheme. I will update the background with my progress, and since I used to do a lot of hobby work designing retro games this will all be done in a short period of time, so be sure to check in often!

If you are curious as to what the finished product will look like, I guess the best way to describe the new background will be; "simple tone retro urban tech" ...I hope that clarifies it.


  1. As long as it stays readable and doesn't detract from the text, everything will be fine, I think.

  2. love retro games. can't wait to see something

  3. Awesome, man! And the Mario background is sick!

  4. ha when I saw the "retro" I noticed the mario design, awesome! haha =D

  5. its maybe a little too blue?? love the mario there though lol

  6. Nice job. I need to do something like this. can I just copy yours? jk

  7. Ah, my phone rendered the page wrong. I see the Mario landscape. And I do love it!
